Monday, February 14, 2005

All Your Depravity, Wrapped in a Taco


I just got back from running. I think I'm addicted. What's not to love about sweating buckets, being short of breath, dying for cold water, and feeling shooting pain in your legs?

I didn't do much today, though. I was a bit sick, so I stayed home, did some chores, and tried to feel better. Tell me if you think this is a bit draconian. I needed to make a copy of the key to my room at my house. I've been working a lot lately, so I haven't had time to make a copy. Apparently, the Maintenance Vice President told my house's maintenance officer to fine me $25 and to change the lock on my door while I was out of the house. Exactly how that would solve any problems, I don't know, but it seems like a horrible idea and I am grateful that it didn't come to that. There would have been hell to pay.

Brother I can accept your argument regarding Hotel Rwanda. It's very similar to what Don Cheadle has said in interviews. Also, it's probably good movie-making to stick to a tight plot, instead of letting your story ramble and include things that don't have a whole hell of a lot to do with the story.

Oh, Happy Valentine's Day.


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