Wednesday, June 22, 2005

It's okay, it wasn't really my fault

I just got in a car accident. Don't worry - I'm fine. Craig was teaching me to drive his car (stick-shift - I know how to drive otherwise), when a big f-ing truck, stopped at a stop sign, failed to see me and started driving. The car has a dent in the back, which may or may not take a few days to fix. The crux of the issue is that Craig and I were going to drive to LA on Friday. He's moving out there, I'm going along for the ride. We may have to push the start date back a bit, which means we'll miss the Dodger's game we apparently had tickets for. Anyway, I already vowed never to go to a Dodger's game (google "Chavez Ravine"), so I'm not all that pissed. I am, however, a little hesistant to drive ever again, especially Craig's car. But, balls, no one was hurt, it was a minor accident, so there's nothing really stopping me.

In other news, the job from hell is over. They gave me until the end of June, I gave them until June 15. Now that bitch of a boss of mine (who I can talk about again because she's not really my boss anymore) is out of my hair forever. I haven't thought a whole lot about the job since quitting, and I'm trying not to. In fact, I'm trying to be very mature about the whole thing. If I do something to hurt her career, she would deserve it (in a bitter, retributive sense of the word). But does it really make me any better? I'm not entirely certain. To be completely honest, I've been thinking about the problem through a Buddhist perspective, as Buddhism is a religion I can sort of dig - though not in a new-age, "everything Eastern/Oriental is good and pure" kind of way, but in a "yes, life is suffering, it's the almost inescapable characterization of existence" kind of way.

Anyhow, my unemployed self is open for any amusements (the cheaper the better). Find me drinking coffee, sitting outside; or sleeping. This is a new (though probably short-lived) chapter of my life.


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