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What if I moved to Texas?
Passover went well. It works a lot better if you take all the religion (read: boring) stuff out of it. It's especially hard to do a seder with non-Jews when half of everything is in Hebrew - a language Israelis only pretend to understand. Afterall, they don't include the vowels. The food (that I spent all day making) was delicious, though I can't say much about the chicken, what with my vegetarian tendencies and all.
But seriously, what if I moved Texas?
I have a new computer (laptop(mac)). I have lost your email address. Remember the good old days when we would goto the MSU library and talk about the values of cabbage in the average Russian's diet? McDonald's serves plenty in St. Petersberg! WHAT?! Oh, and unfortunately I won't be moving to Seattle. I liked the school in Chicago better and since I was undecided they bribed me with a scholarship (partial funding). When money talks, I hate to listen. But it was more than I had so I busted out the Q-tips. So gimme gimme gimme your email email email. Mine is So do do do do it. I have a new music object for you. And some interesting gum art.
Move to Texas.
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