Sunday, March 13, 2005

Note to all the Hipsters: there's no difference between Miller Lite and PBR

I may be a bit drunk right now. It's too soon to tell.

I played racquet ball today and boy did I suck. But, man alive, was it fun. My only qualm with the sport is with the walls. I don't like the idea of running into those walls and the game would be a hell of a lot better if they weren't there. But if those walls weren't there, it'd be tennis.

We got pizza at work today. I don't really know why that's so special, but we were all brought together to eat our pizza together. And we talked about the ridiculous interviews we'd done at work. One interviewer I work with had just completed an interview with an insane Vietnam Vet who was wheelchair bound. He refused to answer the questions about religion because he felt there was no god and where was was god when his friend's head got blown off and landed in his open arms. Had it been a charicature of a person, it would have been funny. But because this was an actual person, it was really disturbing. I mean, it was still pretty funny, but my laughter carried a hint of melancholy.

Today I tried to take control of my future and ended up drinking beer in Sara's room. Cheap beer, too. Is this significant? Well, anyway. I've got a picture to paint.

Jack, I'm sorry that we didn't watch Fellini. Well, I'm sorry that you wanted to watch Fellini and that we never did. Not to say that we never will. There's always Fellini. He's not going anywhere, you know what I mean? Anyway, like I said, I've got a picture to paint.

Sara: are you happy?

Yes. I am. ( this is sara)


At 2:29 AM, Blogger Hayley said...

By the way, Sara didn't mean for that to be free-verse poetry or anything. She's not like that.


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