Sunday, August 07, 2005

I'm not really certain just where I am

Alright, I just moved across the damn country, so maybe we can ease up a bit on the no posts thing? I mean, I was not living in a place that had a computer. It would have meant a special trip to computer-land to do this, which is hard, you know? No, you're an unrelenting and (more importantly) unforgiving public. You constantly want more of me, more than I can give. Well, world, here I am - be easy.

I'm in Seattle. That's about all that's really sunk in yet. I'm living with my aunt (bless her heart for the hospitality). But because I'm living with her, it doesn't really feel like I've moved anywhere. Maybe when I start looking for jobs or move into a place of my own I'll feel it. Or when I start meeting people. I need to meet people.

Oh, to all devout readers of the Crime of It All (and to all others who have yet to see the light) - fly Southwest airlines. I liked them a lot. I have a great appreciation for flight attendants who can crack a joke about loss of cabin pressure (because it's really quite funny, you just don't realize it, you with your sophomoric sense of humor).

I've started reading The Satanic Verses. Actually, I started it on the plane, which is funny (cabin pressure!) because it begins with the explosion of an airplane and the plummeting to earth of two people, one of whom has assumed the name of the archangel Gabriel (only it's Gibreel because we're talking about Islam and Arabic, not Christianity and English). And I have to say, I can see how it's blasphemous, why an ayatollah would want to ban it. I think that Midnight's Children begins in a much more blasphemous manner, but we're not actually looking for "book-banners" to make sense. My reading it on the plane, by the way, garnered a few interesting looks, but my guess is that people were more concerned that it had the word satanic in the title (as opposed to the whole hijacked plane aspect).

Paul Kraus - Sara Gold and I miss you.

And if anyone knows how to make ibooks work, let me know, because I'm not a computer person and I've grown so accustomed to windows and all that I'm easily confused. Thanks for being an understanding audience.


At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Glad to hear you're safe in Seattle. You should be my myspace friend. That is where I blog and post music and meet's not multi-tasking, it's laziness!
I seem to have lost an 's' at the end of my name. Today I looked at about 3000 stuffed animals from around the world. Don't worry about the ibook, it's easier than you think. So stop trying to click start and just move your mouse over to the LAUNCH PAD! Also, you should cheat and get a two-button mouse instead of using control to 'right-click'. Also, if you close the ibook when it's still on, it SLEEPS. I'm not joking! And not only that, Apple has been kind enough to install a small light that blinks in accordance with the breathing of your ibook. Many times in the middle of the night I have awoken in a cold sweat, having dreamed at that my precious ibook has crossed over the river Styx to the other side. Ahhhh, what sweet relief when I looked over and saw my ibook breathing steadily. I should really talk to someone about my sleeping troubles. I thought I was self medicating...espresso in the morning, whiskey at night. Am I doing something wrong here? Maybe I should be chewing on Valerian roots?

At 2:21 PM, Blogger The Narrator said...


How was your week on the Sound?

At 12:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo baby yo.
I thought I'd leave messages in all online avenues. Reading your wedding re-cap entry practically got me teary eyed once again. Everytime I think about it I just feel so lucky to have such amazing people in my life. bla bla bla. A friend on mine from high school and before (we're talking like first grade on) is going to Israel to become a super super Jew. Oy. I went out with him last night and had to explain to him why I didn't think I needed to "experience it for myself" in order to make the call that Orthodoxy of most sorts- just not for me. OY.
I miss you!


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