Thursday, August 18, 2005

Oh resumes! You are so tiresome to write!

I applied for a few jobs today. They're not perfect jobs, but A) those don't exist and B) I am in no position right now to demand perfection. I need to take what I can get and (hopefully) what will get me experience in the non-profit world, so I can someday get that better than pooh job.

But, let's not think about the work-a-day life right now, darling. Let's go back to the Sound, to seals and the sun, the endless beers, the hiking through thick foliage on the island. I kayaked and oh how I lurved it. I fell asleep in the sun and didn't get sun burned. That, combined with the frisky seals and the beer makes me think that the House on Puget Sound was a mystical place, reserved for only the select few - those who are pure of heart and mind, who believe in Salvation through Beauty. I can think of no other explanation for such a place.

Now we're back in seattle. Yesterday was kind of cold. The weather has been doing this lately: a few days of beautiful, sunny warmth, then a day or two of cool, cloudiness. I'm fine with it, really. It's nice to include some warmer clothing in the wardrobe - breaks the monotony.

Speaking of monotony, I spent many hours today working on my resume and sending it out to various jobs. The most promising-looking one is an AmeriCorps position (read: Hayley will be EXTREMELY poor) with Planned Parenthood of Washington. Otherwise, there was a position working with an organization that sent poor kids to study abroad (I should have included in my application something about the importance of exporting our poor to other, smellier countries. Why didn't I think of that?) and a job with the housing development consortium, helping people apply for Section 8 housing and the like. there was a pretty perfect job working with poorer and immigrant communities to promote health, but you had to be fluent in another langauge. Russian was one of the acceptable languages, and I was kicking myself for not having followed through with that. I'd be so fluent by now!

So, but I also went to a house on the edge of the neighborhood that I want to live in - Capitol Hill. The house is an old house with a bunch of people living in it. The house is sort of crummy, but it's like a co-op house, and the room was gigantic. I wouldn't mind living there just for the endless amounts of room such that, should anyone want to visit, there'd be plenty of space. Also, on Friday, I'm meeting some girls about an apartment on Capitol Hill. They're really excited about the apartment, and it's in a pretty great neighborhood, so here's to hoping.

Oh, and you must visit . You actually have no choice in the matter. Thanks be to Tim McCarty for alerting me to this. Bless his heart.


At 1:01 PM, Blogger The Narrator said...

So how did the seals taste?

At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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