Wednesday, August 24, 2005

This is what it feels like to discuss Sean Hannity with your cousin while laying on the floor of the Laser Dome

Tonight was an excellent night because I drank beer, watched lasers, listened to cool music, and met a possible roomate. All-in-all, I'd say that's a fantastic time.

Grizzly Bear, a Brooklyn-based super mellow low-fi indie type band played a show at the Pacific Science Center's Laser Dome (or Laserium, perhaps?). While the band mellowed everyone out (not difficult to do after everyone has a few beers in them), we all layed back and watched a rad laser light show timed to the spacey music. It was pretty neat. I had to pee really bad for the first few songs and I eventually just bit the bullet and ran out to find the toilets. I was seriously going to explode. And, while I was certainly glad that I made the decision to run to the bathroom, I have to say that it was not the most satisfying pee. I had high hopes which were not to come to fruition.

So, but, before the show started, everyone hung around outside because there was what some might call a beer garden. Which really means that you could get $2 cups of Miller High Life and sit outside. Well, you could have brought the beer inside, but we didn't know that at first. So then we went in (we, by the way, including not just me, but also my cousin Gordon) and found a place on the floor, so as to lay down and enjoy the spectacle that was to be displayed on the dome above. Shortly before the show began, though, I struck up a conversation with a girl sitting close by. It turns out she had come to the show by herself and, from what I gathered, was cool for having done so. She is probably cool for having done many things (like going to nursing school in New Zealand, and living on Vashon Island, which boasts the highest number of published poets in the US). So at the end of the show, I was told that, should I find a place and need a roomate to relieve some of the rent burden, I should give her a call. Fine by me.

So, you see, it was a great night.


At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Sounds like an awesome night.
I went out last night with my friend Kate and my goodness did it feel good to be out after 10pm in the company of many people and many beers.


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