Monday, October 31, 2005

Holiday Humbuggery Gets an Early Start

I don't want to be the one who says she hates Halloween, because she doesn't. But the thing is, I hate Halloween... these days. My primary concern is with parents who drive their kids around to trick-or-treat. These are lazy bastard parents who do not deserve kids or the candy they will pilfer from their kids. Furthermore, it puts their children at greater risk of being hit by a car (i.e. mine). If you're driving down a residential street in the dark and there are seven cars facing you, stopped along the side of the narrow road, with headlights glaring, it is ten times more difficult to notice a small child running out into the street. And on Halloween, there are an abundance of children running into streets. And also, if you're a kid and you're trick-or-treating in a neighborhood where there are sidewalks, please utilize the sidewalks and do not walk in the street with your all-black costume. It makes me nervous, and not because you're dressed up as the killer from Scream.


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