Sunday, December 18, 2005

Don't get your panties in a knot

My devoted readers have grown restless. I have not updated the blog for a long time. The reason? What the hell do I do that's worth posting on a blog? On any given day, my schedule is: wake up, eat breakfast, maybe take a shower, go to the library for many hours where I sit and fill out grad applications and look for jobs I will never get, go home, eat food, watch the news, watch some Family Guy, eat some ramen noodles, watch a movie or television, read, go to bed. Every single day. Unless, after the library I go to the coffee shop.

So, devoted fans, it's for your sanity that I did not update this blog with my pointless blathering.

But for your sake: I've finished reading "Ravelstein" and now nearly through with "Pnin" (which I highly, highly recommend) and about to start "Henderson the Rain King." I watched "The Passion of Joan of Arc" this past week, and while I had my doubts, it turned out to be an phenomenal movie. So put aside your fear of silent films and your hatred of the French and rent the criterion edition of this movie.

Gold, Dan, and I went to the Magic Stick for Brew and View. $2 for the ticket (we saw the Wedding Crashers), $4 for a beer, and $3.50 for a large popcorn. My point? It ended up being far cheaper than going to an actual theater. D-towners, I recommend this.

I told my roomate that I'm moving out. I need to live someplace rent-free for a while so I can recoup my losses of the last few months and maybe make a little money before I (hopefully) put myself many thousands in debt for grad school.

And, finally, last night was the long-awaited wedding for Joe and Erica, which also heralded the first Tim and Christine McCarty sighting of the season. Everyone is well, the newly-weds are off to Las Vegas, Patrick Barnes has no hair on the top of his head, and the Leopold Bros. make a tasty pilsner. The coming week is going to be hectic and chock full of friends. It may be days before I see the inside of that library again.


At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, was that so difficult? It doesn't always have to be about what you're up to; it could just be about what's going on the world and how you see it. Your brother has a nice mix of both, although he's more into the social commentary as of late.

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Hayley said...

I'm not my brother.


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