Wednesday, April 19, 2006

London - in England!


Today, while at work, my mom came to visit me and tell me that I had mail waiting at her house. It was a thick envelope which she assumed was from London. After hours of eager anticipation, I made it to her house and opened the envelope whereby I read my first graduate school acceptance letter. I've already received two rejections (from the University of Michigan and the University of Texas). So I wasn't overly positive about my chances of getting into any other schools. I had this Michigan State thing going and was genuinely excited because I was happy to be able to go to grad school and it was a great-looking program. But it wasn't a public policy program in London f-ing England. So here I am, a giddy school girl, possibly heading off to London in the fall.

Wow, man.

In other news, I spent a fantastic week in Miami, where I met the former Miss Mexico and got my hair cut alongside Some Guy who plays for the Philadelphia Eagles. In addition, I made my way to Jupiter to visit the Marine Life Center of Juno Beach for some turtle museuming, did a lot of shopping, ate amazing food, laid in the sun at the beach, saw a freaking amazing Chihuly exhibit at the Fairchild Tropical Gardens where we also saw giant iquanas and other living things. We had a great seder, with matzo ball soup, brisket (of which I did not partake), spinach grautin, cucumber salad, kasha vernishkes, and for dessert Danny made the richest chocolate pots (like mousse only thicker and richer) and there were macaroons from epicure, the fancy gourmet grocery store. I got my nails done, saw a Marilyn Monroe exhibit at the Bass, visited the Wolfsonian and saw their Political Propaganda exhibit (both exhibits were way cool), and had a false Matthew Perry sighting. The Miami Beach Gaineses have a new dog, a weimeraner (that could be totally spelled wrong) named Casper who is very cute and very stupid. Maybe he'll learn. Roxy, their pug, is still a great dog, one of the few I like a lot. We get along really well. I think she still remembers me from when she was a very tiny puppy and she broke her leg and I carried her around everywhere. The only downside to my trip was that everyone, in succession, was sick. Danny was sick for the first few days, then Jon got sick, and by the end Karen was ill as well. I haven't gotten sick so far, which is truly a passover miracle.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My Bootlegging Days Are Over

Remember that bootlegged internet connection? The one that was such a wonderful and pleasant surprise? It's totally gone now. Totally. I think the people up and moved or something.

But, good news is in the making. The kind and lovely people at Michigan State University's Health Communication MA program have been kind (and lovely) enough to allow me to apply, even though the deadline was February 1. I have it on good authority that they are enthusiastic for my application. I'm not saying I'm in or anything (I'd hate to jump the gun), but I am pretty confident that next Fall will see me re-enrolled at MSU.

This Saturday, it's off to sunny Miami. Last time, for the bar mitzvah, I could only stay for the weekend. It's my turn for a vacation and my only plans include being warm and reading. I'm also assuming there will be good food involved. Oh, and Passover.