You Down with IPPC?
The [actual] shit hit the [proverbial] fan last week at my job (which made for a really messy and confusing situation) when several people were fired for... well, that remains to be seen. Captain Lumpy Face grows more evil with every waking moment.
On the lighter side of things, I'm taking an online course to be certified to teach as a second language, meaning that I got too afraid of committing to Seattle and will travel the world spreading my culture and language to people in squalid, third-world countries. They'll love me!
Tim McCarty recently knocked the pants off the International Poker Playing Community (IPPC) by roundly kicking the shit out of several "old hats," then inventing a new game (Queens & Fours) at which he also "kicked ass." After seeing this maniac's mad skills on Saturday night, I highly doubt that, had he actually been sober, the IPPC would have been able to handle such card-playing virtuosity.
In other news, I think I may have recieved my first official "drunk dial" ever. On the same night as the poker revolution, Walker, drunk and surprisingly unbelligerent, rang me up. Our conversation was brief, yet civilized. She had no recollection of calling, me however, so drunk was the evil hip-hopstress. What a week.
Now, I have to go to the bathroom.